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The Big Dress Up

Maraenui Bilingual School and Ebbett Park School participated in our inaugural ‘Big Dress Up’ fundraiser where tamariki, kaiako (teachers) and kaiāwhina (support staff) dressed up as someone they look up to. Read more below about what they got up to.

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa mō tō tautoko / Thank you all very much for your support!

Te kura reo rua o Maraenui - Maraenui Bilingual School

For the ‘Big Dress Up’ day, tamariki came dressed up as - their whānau, pirihimana (a police officer), Ōpango (All Black), rata kararehe (vet) and a ninja, just to name a few.

The kaiako also dressed up – “Hermione” from Harry Potter spoke about her love of reading and the journey of continuing to learn new kupu o te reo Māori (Māori words); another kaiako dressed to honour Shaquille O’Neal and talked of her admiration of his ability to strive for what was right for him, and another kaiako spoke of her aroha and whakaute (respect) for her matua (father).

We have tamariki from the kura participating in our programme – it was great to see them taking part in the day – and great for them to see their kura support our kaupapa. 

Ebbett Park School

Ebbett Park School combined their ‘Big Dress Up’ day with their Cross-Country race day. They been focusing on the kaupapa of ‘being a good role model’, which fits perfectly with our programme!

During the school hui, Hayley (Mentor Coordinator) asked the tamariki to reflect on who was a good role model for them. Many mentioned people from their whānau, others mentioned their kaiako and kaiāwhina who support them at kura every day and some mentioned their Big Brothers Big Sisters mentors.


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